Can be used to create inventory systems, or control subsystems of a unit, etc.-isAlsoViewableByEnemies and isAlsoViewableByAllies - Allows other players to see actions from this unit, useful for showing stats to other players (eg missile count, items collected)-transportedUnitsToTransfer=X option added to unitSpawn fields - Moves units from the source unit into the newly created unit.

, this might cause issues for mods that expect them to be broken.-New 500x500 pixel map thumbnail image limit, recommended is 100-200px (note: this is just the preview image, not the map size)-Fix false positive warning message with addTeamTags/removeTeamTags map scripts-Fix income multiplier and no nuke option not working in single player skirmish Lots of new modding features-See: Rusted Warfare: Beta Modding Reference for complete 1.14 reference-Added: isVisibleToEnemies and showOnMinimapToEnemies - allows creation of stealth systems when used with canOnlyBeAttackedByUnitsWithTags, and converting to revealed versions-Added: lowPriorityTargetForOtherUnits and notPassivelyTargetedByOtherUnits - Allows better wall buildings that units don’t target by default.-addActionCooldownTime, addAllActionCooldownsTime and clearAllActionCooldowns - Player cannot use action again till timeout expires-effect_Xs: to showMessageToAllPlayers, etc actions to create dynamic messages-Added: aimOffsetSpread-Added: addWaypoint_position_relativeOffsetFromSelf-Added: whenBuilding_rotateTo_aimAtActionTarget and whenBuilding_rotateTo_rotateTurretX (BETA NOTE: is broken in some cases)-Added: showAllActionsFrom (logic boolean) - shows actions from the attachment when parent is selected, when clicked actions will be applied to the attachment as if they were selected. Can be reverted back to T3 for a 50% refund. Is a Starting unit only, picked from the Game Options (cannot be built normally unless using mods) -Possible add-on modules: -Shield Gen, Anti-Nuke, Fabricator T1 & T2, Laser Defense, Lightning, Flak, Artillery, Sam T1 & T2, Gun T1 & T2, Plasma T1 & T2 -Very heavily armored but slow -Base speed is reduced if any weapons are attached -Can build units and buildings -Auto repairs nearby units -Can move over water -Built-in Fabricator -Goes nuclear on death (if nukes are enabled) New Turrets and buildings -Lightning Turret T1 & T2 - Upgraded from basic land turret -Artillery Turret T2 - Upgraded from artillery turret -Watch tower - Sees through fog in a large range, built from T2 builders Extractor T3 upgradesNew optional upgrades, only one can be picked at a time: -Overclock: Much less health. New Unit: Modular Spider -A walking mobile base -Starts with no weapons but has 6 slots where turrets, or modules can be built and upgraded.